Mog Asun

MŌG ASUÑ – The Inspirational Story

Hmm, inspiration is such a BEE that stings only to the one person who is ready or else God gives everyone equal opportunity to grab and grow. My inspiration was a word that bore in my mind when I was a teen.

It’s a long story, but I need to answer this as asked, My late grandfather Raghunath Pardeshi was a native of Uttar Pradesh, but he settled down in Igatpuri, district Nashik of Maharashtra, and he had a habit of getting his legs massaged from us. So once while massaging, he told me something on a very serious note to remember. He said, “We grew from zero in Igatpuri.” Igatpuri gave us abundance, health wealth, and prosperity. As a tribute, we build a Shani temple in Igatpuri.

He further pointed out that you will also wander from one place to another in your life, but remember, give back to the place that helps you, as it’s your *Karmabhoomi. These teachings inspired me and made a mark in my mind.

I came to Goa in 2006, in the initial days I didn’t have enough money to transport my motorcycle from my hometown via courier, so for 6 months I was travelling by local transportation. Somehow, I gathered some amount and took a rupees 500 loan from my friend Sudhir and got the vehicle via the first flight courier service. I still remember the name of the delivery guy, Pravin.

Anyway, after a few years, I joined the liquor industry, and my journey towards success, which is spelt as W-O-R-K, started. Goa – gave me lots of Mog! Being associated with the liquor industry and my good PR skills, I was the guest at most parties in Goa. I always overheard two words MŌG ASUÑ and OBRIGADO. These words were always there in the back of my mind.

Later, when I got the opportunity to pay tribute to GOA the land of abundance, I thought of making a brand and taking it globally. I, with the help of my marketing partner Keith Fernandes, zeroed down on these words, MŌG ASUÑ and OBRIGADOI did my part and stood strong against all odds like big multinational and Indian companies, their well-established brands, on only one belief that Goa will help me grow these brands. And here I take this opportunity to request all Goans and Indians out there to support and promote vocal for local brands MŌG ASUÑ and OBRIGADO 🙏

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